

Until Charolles

From Paris to Charolles

  • Take the A6 motorway towards Nevers / Montargis for 71 km then the A77 for 164 km.
  • Around Nevers to take the N7 for 60 km to Moulins.
  • Near Moulins, follow signs to Mâcon, by the N 79 (75 km) to Charolles.

From Geneva to Charolles

  • Take the A40 motorway towards Paris.
  • Take the exit toward A406/E62 Moulins / Lyon / Montceau-Les-Mines / Mâcon sud.
  • Continue on the N79.
  • Take exit 12 towards Charolles.

From Lyon to Charolles

  • Take the A6 motorway towards Paris.
  • Exit at Mâcon sud.
  • Follow signs to Moulins, RN 79, until Charolles.

From Charolles to the Château de Vaulx

At Charolles

  • Take the D985 to la Clayette (here we pronounce “La Clete”).
  • Cross Changy, then Changy-Tourny.
  • Cross the railroad then, 1 km farther, take the second to the right (attention to the most right road).
  • A sign indicates "Vaulx".

Do not go to the village of Saint-Julien-de-Civry !

  • Climb up the hill.
  • At the cross, take right.
  • Follow the signs.
  • Through the gate and park in front of the greenhouse.
  • Ring at the kitchen door.

Notre note Tripadvisor

sawdays guide  tripadvisor2017 2 routardbonne table2Le Figaro Magazine


Image de contact

Château de Vaulx
71800 Saint-Julien-de-Civry


E-mail : barry@chateaudevaulx.com

Phone : +33 7 88 34 84 94

Attention please : we are not chateaudevaulx.fr nor chateau-de-vaux.fr !

Coming by train

  • Mâcon-Loché TGV Station : Paris 1h35 ; Geneva 2h ; Marseille 2h10
  • Le Creusot / Montceau TGV Station : Paris 1h15 ; Marseille 2h30

Click here for timetables from the SNCF

At both stations, you can rent a car and we are at 50 minutes drive

(Avis agencies in Mâcon 0385386875 and Le Creusot 0820611671)


Château de Vaulx
71800 Saint-Julien-de-Civry, France

E-mail : barry@chateaudevaulx.com Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

Téléphone : +33 7 88 34 84 94

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