In 1886, a local historian described the château de Vaulx in the following words:

Well-proportioned, elegant in its simplicity, located in the most beautiful position on hilltop, its main facade faces south. From this vantage point, we enjoy a pleasant vista across a vast stretch of the region : Saint-Julien de Civry, Dyo, Saint Germain, Amanzé and beyond, as far as you can see, the blue mountains, including the old Dun. a panorama as vast as diversified.

Today, luckily enough, the scenery is still the same. The house has grown with two wings on the east and west sides by Léon Geoffray  at the end of the 19th century.

The castle of Vaulx de Chizeul lies between the Charolais and the Brionnais. This castle was built in the 14th century and was the house of a very famous French family, the de Choiseul, until 1435. The name "de Chizeul" is a distortion of the family name.

Since 1471, the landlords of Vaux were the Damas family, a well known Burgundy family, one of whose branches was called Damas de Vaux. The castle, fortress, hamlets and lands stayed in the Damas family until 1793, for more than three centuries.

The castle had a dominant position in the region. It size was huge (91 meters by 29 meters) and included a square dungeon, the lord residence, a storehouse and a jail.

The castle was damaged during the wars of religion in the 16th century and in 1793, when it was sold as a national property because the family emigrated during the French revolution. The only remains are a ruin which was probably the prison.

200 metres from the old castle of Vaulx de Chizeul stands the current château de Vaulx. It used to be the house of the main officers and administrators of the estate. The role of the administrators was very important as the Damas family did not live full time in Vaulx, being either in Paris or in Dyo castle, another land they owned in the region.

Part of the existing Vaulx castle dates back to the 16th century, as indicated by stones dated 1563 on the façade, The castle has been modified and expanded until the beginning of the 20th century. In the 19th century, the castle was the property of the Geoffray family, and in particular Léon Geoffray (1852-1927) who was French Ambassador in Spain and one of the key contributors to the reconciliation of United Kingdom and France before World War I.


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Ce qu'ils en pensent | What they think

Campagne décoration

"Le château de Vaulx est un idéal d’élégance et de simplicité champêtre" "Un décor éclectique et plein de fantaisie".

Les très belles photos de Thibault Jeanson illustrent quelques moments de vie à Vaulx. Quant au texte sur la manière d'y recevoir, il tourne au panégyrique. Merci Virginie !

Campagne Décoration, numéro 80 Mars avril 2013. Texte de Virginie Manivet et photos de Thibault Jeanson.

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We wished we were staying longer

We wished we were staying longer, with so much to see and do in the area another day or two enjoying staying at the Chateau de Vaulx would have been a great end to our French holiday. The chateau is beautiful, comfortable and well furnished. We could have looked at the view all day. Marty is a most welcoming host, and also a good cook.

We watched some of the preparations for our delicious dinner of fish with aubergines and tomato, risotto, cheese and poached spiced pears, all really great. The grounds are beautiful with avenues of trees, lots of flowers, a vegetable garden and alo a lap pool. We hope to go back, and greatly recommend it. ,
SueinLondon, Londres, Royaume-Uni, 7 septembre 2013


The feel of home

How to feel right at home in a beautiful chateau! Marty of Chateau Vaulx makes it all so simple. You are immediately part of the family and welcomed with open arms into the most magnificent abode that somehow retains a feeling of home. Elegantly furnished with an understated charm that you know must have come at an enormous effort but flows seamlessly throughout the house with

taste and warmth. Oil paintings in every nook and cranny that in reality have no connection but all have been welcomed into the family and seem right at home. Baby grand piano just begging for a song, fabulous gardens awaiting your camera lens to capture the grandest shot at every turn, three generations of friendly canine welcoming you to their home and the family. And the food! Marty has a real talent in the kitchen outside of his gregarious welcoming character. Seemingly effortless arrays of food come sashaying into the dining room on the arms of Marty and his staff, all created with love and creativity, all shared with a changing roster of equally contented visitors willing to share experience and local finds with other overlapping guests. There are also tasty choices locally that Marty is happy to direct you to. You'll be very happy in your individually decorated rooms or suites and will always feel you have been given the best room in the house! The views are outstanding from every window. There are lovely chateaux in the area to visit even if you are somewhat outside the Loire Chateux tour, a great stopover in beautiful countryside, well worth the stop and surprisingly restful. Thanks for the memories Marty., Jenni C. and family, 18 juillet 2013



Château de Vaulx
71800 Saint-Julien-de-Civry, France

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