When around 1394 Marguerite married Jean de Lespinasse de Mello (1358-1406), Vaulx became an estate of the family de Mello.

Second floor of the dependence, adjacent to the main house.

  • Bedroom with a large bed for two persons.
  • Private shower room and toilets.
  • Fireplace.
  • View onto the park and the vegetable garden.
  • Access through staircases.
  • For 2 persons.


  • 1 night : 140,-€ for 2 persons, including breakfast.
  • 2 nights or more : 125,-€/night for 2 persons, including breakfast.
  • Supplement if applicable : heating (10,-€/night) and eventually refurbishment.
  • Extra bed : 35,-€/night.
  • Local taxe : +2% of the stay.
  • Cleaning, linen, water, electricity, internet and access to the pool included.

Booking conditions


Notre note Tripadvisor

sawdays guide  tripadvisor2017 2 routardbonne table2Le Figaro Magazine

Ce qu'ils en pensent | What they think

Relaxation with Style

We had two wonderful nights at this beautiful hilltop Chateau. This fabulous building has been restored with a great deal of love and attention to detail. It is stylish, welcoming and full of history. Our room was stunning, the sitting room with roaring fire was a peaceful haven and the views are magnificent. We were very well looked after by our host Vince who made us feel totally at home

and did everything to make our stay relaxing and memorable. We were so impressed with everything Chateau de Vaulx had to offer and we will certainly return.

www.tripadvisor.com, London, November 23, 2008


On était si bien, on en redemande.

Splendide, merveilleux, magnifique ! La région est sublime, le château magnifique, l'accueil exceptionnel, on en redemande ! À quand la prochaine fois. On était si bien, le petit matin givré, la vue dégagée depuis la chambre. Nos conseils : la joue de boeuf, la tarte aux pommes de Marty et la confiture de fraises à la menthe. www.tripadvisor.com, Anne-Sophie B, Paris, 9 décembre 2013


Ein Ort zum Träumen

Es ist wie im Märchen! Eine Aussicht übers weite Land, der Schlossgarten gepflegt und naturbelassen, die Küche vom Feinsten und Zimmer, die Orte sind zum Wohlfühlen. Der Schlossherr Marty setzt dem i noch den Punkt drauf. Er verkörpert die Mischung von dem, was das Chateau de Vaulx in seinen Mauern alles schon erlebt hat.

Oft macht es den Anschein, dass mancherorts im und um das Haus die Zeit still steht, um aber sofort wieder, in moderner Art, aufzuwachen. Ein Ort zum Verweilen und Träumen!

www.tripadvisor.com , 935Barbara_Thomas, Bâle, le 3 septembre 2013



Château de Vaulx
71800 Saint-Julien-de-Civry, France

E-mail : barry@chateaudevaulx.com Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

Téléphone : +33 7 88 34 84 94

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